Wednesday, 14 November 2018

An Uninvited Guest

I'm certain you've noticed I haven't mentioned Cole in the last Stars Without Number entry. That's specifically because Cole's player was absent during that seesion and, as such, we left out his shenanigans on the ship out of the narrative.

An inevitable consequence of going after the Players
As our fight in a pub rages on, we instead turn our attention to the ship and, more specifically, the captain's quarters. An intruder alarm causes Cole to pull his trousers back on, leave said captain's quarters and search for the intruder by shouting out if anyone is anywhere on the ship. He stealthily made his way to the cargo hold while using all his special abilities to negate his failed Stealth rolls. When he finally ran out of options, he had to accept the failed result of not noticing someone sneacking up behind him with a pistol to his head.

Meanwhile the fight rages on in the pub. This time we were missing Yannick's player so Cole's player graciously offered to take control of him for the duration of the fight scene. He mainly supported Ian in taking out the armed mooks while Jokkenson took on the sword wielding brute. When Ian shot down the last enemy soldier, Jokkenson was on his last breath but instead of giving up, he gave his opponent an offer. He gave his word he would let his opponent go provided he would tell them who sent this group after them. He made a very convincing case but his opponent simply opened his mouth to show he had no tongue... so Jokkenson chopped his head off.

At the conlusion of the fight, Jokkenson was very close to falling down and bleeding to death so he looked through the men's bodies for any medical equipment he could use. Cyrus was in a more immediate danger. Although he was our main medical professional, Ian's combat training included field medicine. A quick look at Cyrus showed he suffered internal bleeding from the gun shot wound and we were about to lose him. He had only enough time to roll three times to stabilise him. Keiran assisted him by putting pressure on key points of his anatomy, which provided Ian with a bonus to his roll.

For a moment there,
I thought he'd be a goner
The first dice result was a failure.
The second dice result was a failure.
The third dice result was a success.

We were relieved to see that Cyrus regained consciousness after some of his wounds were taken care of. He quickly put his mind to work, focing his own body to accelerate the healing process and doing the same for Jokkenson. It did put considerable strain on both of them.

Keiran received a message from Cole about an uninvited guest on board. It was about time we left before any authorities were to arrive but not before Jokkenson found the proprietor of the pub and handed him a compad with more than enough credits to cover the damage cause... which he found on the men we defeated.

As the fight was still going on, Cole managed to distract and annoy his assailant enough that when he lost his concentration, he went for his gun. He overpowered him, threatened the guy who didn't want to say anything... so he shot at the guy's knee. He didn't know the weapon he was holding had plasma rounds which burned his knee right off. Unfortunately, he refused to be questioned any more about his motives by screaming in pain until he lost consciousness. That was the point when Cole contacted Captain Keiran.

Upon our arrival, we transported our uninvited guest to the medbay where we restrained his remaining limbs. We recognised the man as the same one from the pub Jokkenson was talking to and who most likely sent the group that we've only just eliminated. Ian stayed with him to monitor his lifesigns and make sure he'll eventually recover enough to be questioned while Cyrus went off to go over the security footage to find out how he got on board our ship. The rest of the crew, especially Jokkenson, needed a moment of downtime to recover from our most recent ordeal.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

The Classic Bar Brawl

Our story continues on two fronts.

Firstly we've got Jokkenson, Keiran and Cyrus enjoying a not-so-quiet drink at a local pub while waiting for Keiran's contact to arrive. Eventually he notices someone at the bar discreetly peeking at them and tapping away on his data-pad. The man didn't fit the description of his contact mainly by not appearing to be female so he glimpsed into the future and saw an assortment of armed men led by a huge dangerous looking fellow. They glanced around the place until their eyes locked in with theirs and they approached with ill intent.

Jokkenson asked for a fancy drink last session
He informed his two companions of the vision. As captain, he decided they would stand their ground but also contact Ian and Yannick to join them in a counter-ambush. In the meantime, Jokkenson had to relieve himself in the lavatory. On his way back he came up to the suspicious looking man at the bar to warn him of having made a horrible mistake. Jokkenson wasn't fooled by the man playing dumb. He simply told him that he may lie as much as he likes but now Jokkenson knows his face and will eventually come for him. Jokkenson finished the man's drink and let him leave unmolested.

In a different part of the city, Ian helped Yannick get out of the pile of rubble that he found himself under. Fortuitously, the collapse revealed some parts that Yannick thought would be useful to add onto the ship. Together with Ian they bargained a price that included delivery to the ship's location. Shortly after, they have received a message from Keiran informing them of the situation. They received the location and orders to wait by the entrance to engage the enemy after they show their intent.
I wouldn't be surprised if it had been raining
all this time on this planet

On their way they were approached by a one-eyed woman by the name of Rulan Lee claiming she heard they were looking to buy ship parts to buy but Ian reminded Yannick that they had no time to waste right now. Yannick took the woman's contact details and they continued on their way to the pub. When there, they took a few empty glasses, put them on a table by the window nearest to the entrance, sat down and started to play cards.

Utilising their comlinks, Ian informed the rest of the party that an armed group was approaching the pub. Upon hearing this, Jokkenson headed over to the entrance to make sure he would accidentaly bump into the group as they entered. While he expected them to open fire on his sight, instead, they let him pass. His plan not working out, he tried to walk back in only to find the door to be locked from the inside... so he kicked it down, the door slamming into the closest assailant.

Seconds before this, one of the men looked around the place only to point a rifle at Keiran and demanded him to go with them but he was interrupted by the ensuing fight. When the door slammed into one of their number, someone shot Cyrus, taking him down and out of combat.

Yannick took out his weapon when the window they were sitting by was smashed by an invisible force, Ian jumped through it, landed inside and shot the nearest assailant with his newly acquired thermal pistol that shot plasma, leaving a cauterised would in his intended subject. As the battle progressed, Ian took out more of the enemy's number while Jokkenson engaged their biggest and toughest fighter in a one-on-one chain-axe versus sword brutal melee. Yannick used the window frame as cover for his shots while Keiran looked through the ever-shifting threads of probability for a possible future that he could grab onto.

We had to finish the session there with most of the party fighting and Cyrus bleeding out. Hopefully, someone will eventually notice that we were a party member down.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Enjoying the Local Sights

We continued on course to the planet Gograpaty after our random encounter in space. There was some talk between Cyrus and Captain Keiran about updating the crew log after the allegation that Cole's actual identity might be that of one Donald Watson but it was decided that changes won't be needed. Cole might have a shady past and is constantly trying to make a profit every step of the way but we're always glad to have him on board as pilot. A fact which was evident as we entered Gograpaty's atmosphere and he flew SS Second Chance avoiding a massive hurricane that raged on a significant portion of the planet.

so much H2O
We landed in the city of Chifeng and were greeted by the city's delegation composed of female warriors. As we made our way to the planet, Cyrus looked through the database to gather information on the planet and its inhabitants so we were familiar with their tribes being matriarchies. Open brandishing of weapons wasn't frowned upon but Jokkenson's large chain-axe raised a few eyebrows. Fortunately, Captain Keiran quickly explained that Jokkenson was honour-bound to carry the weapon of his ancestors by him. The tribes of Gograpaty took honour quite seriously so the delegation allowed it but warned us that they'll be keeping a watchful eye on us.

We decided to split our group. Captain Keiran took Jokkenson and Cyrus to socialise in a tavern, Ian and Yannick went into the merchant district to look for parts for the ship while Cole was left in charge of SS Second Chance until the Captain's return. Our session narrative switched around between these two groups, leaving Cole's player to exchange notes with the GM.

The first group was mainly enjoying drinks. At one point Jokkenson got drunk enough that he issued a challenge to arm wrestle which was first taken up by Captain Keiran who quickly admitted defeat as he had a premonition of his hand getting broken by Jokkenson's brute force. Next up was Cyrus who easily won the match despite his scrawny looks. He may have used his telekinesis to help him win in this particular case.

Meanwhile, Ian and Yannick ventured into the merchant district where they got a fairly good idea of how the city was built. It was clear from the state of the buildings that the locals utilised anything they could find to build their floating city, as not having any land mass on the planet meant they didn't have easy access to building materials. We could see pieces of ships fashioned into walls or repurposed to be used in various other ways. Eventually, Yannick's explanations of what sort of parts he was looking for led us to a scrapyard where fate decided to bury Yannick in a pile of rubble. He failed his roll to get out of the way and Ian failed his roll to help him so it took a while to get him out.

We had to end the session before finding out what Cole was up to during our absence.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Snakes on a Spaceship

I went to Amsterdam for a week instead of attending our regular gaming session but I was given a quick rundown of what happened after our ship's alarms went off.

Apparently, the incoming ships were some form of 3 small fighters from the ACRE Corporation that demanded the return of stolen merchandise. They threatened to board our ship so we engaged them in combat. I'm told that starship combat is quite dangerous and after several hits, we decided to play dead, let them board us and fight hand-to-hand.

I do not come in peace
A single pilot came on board our ship looking for Donald Watson. He didn't believe us when told that no such individual is part of our crew. He identified Cole as the person he was looking for, who quickly made a break for the fighter ship but was stopped by a single arm swipe. After a few hits from an axe and some fireballs being thrown at him, we realised this guy was an android. He didn't last long Cole pulled a single critical wire our of the back of its neck just before Jokkenson chopped its head right off.

Shortly after, it came to light that this android wasn't a seperate entity from its ship so Jokkenson charged into the fighter docked to our ship only to see the last surviving fighter disappear into the distance.

The fighter began a countdown type sequence in the meantime.
Our sessions keep ending on cliffhangers!

We start this session trying to figure out what to do with a fighter ship attached to our ship that might be counting down to self-destruct. As players, we're not ones to back down on a challenge so it's only natural we would attempt to override the fighter's system to stop the self-destruct sequence.

Cole and Cyrus were elected to plug themselves into the fighter's system and hack their way through to the control core. Their consciousnesses found themselves in a white corridor with buttons numbered 1 to 10. While some of the buttons did nothing and pushing them only wasted time before the denotation would trigger, one offered a ladder leading up to a similar corridor with numbered buttons. A similar selection of numbers through guesswork allowed them to find another ladder, which they took but at one point Cole pressed a button that opened a trap door underneath him that transported him back a few levels. It's around this point that they realised they were in some form of Snakes & Ladders puzzle.

It's that sort of game, all right
Cole's player succesfully rolled for the use of his Unique Gift Focus which allowed him to recall trivia with uncanny accuracy. The Game Master ruled this would allow him, as a player, to search for the board online... so everyone at the table took out their phones, did an image search and compared notes to the several different boards that we found. It was great seeing everyone work in tandem to figure out this puzzle thrown at us.

Meanwhile, Ian tried to establish communications with codename Bob's ship to check on their status. As he lacks the necessary skills to attempt the task, I had some fun roleplaying his inability to make sense of the controls that Cyrus usually uses. We've learned that Bob's ship took some heavy damage and he clearly wasn't in the mood for small talk while he was dealing with the damage caused by the fighters' attacks.

Only a few seconds were left before the fighter ship would self-destruct. While Cyrus and Cole were hacking away in virtual reality, Yannick was working on a way to seal the explosion and minimise the damage while Jokkenson stood on the ready holding a rope tied to our two programming specialists. Soon after Cyrus entered the last sequence which deactivated the self-destruct routine, Jokkenson pulled on the rope, ejecting them both from the ship and its system. We found out they were successful only after the lack of the expected explosion.

In the ensuing calm, we contacted Bob's ship once more with the offer to sell him the fully functional fighter. Although keeping the ship was a tempting prospect, logistically it offered too many issues to be a viable option. We gained some credits after a lengthy negotiation over its price and handed it over to Bob... but not before we made a copy of the data the ship's systems held.

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Upgrades Galore

We started this session a few minutes early to give ourselves time to go over Character Advancement. The previous mission our characters were given was intended to give us a feel for the rules and how the game plays, after which we were told that we would gain two levels for our characters. This means more Health and more Skills.

I like to use what goes on in-game as an explanation of how my character sheet improves and since I roleplayed interactions with Cyrus and Yannick, I thought it appropriate to give him a point in Know to reflect the knowledge Ian took out of these conversations. Naturally, I've improved his Shoot to the maximum possible as that's his main specialty. As a Partial Psychic, I'm also required to progressively improve my psychic skill, Telekinesis in Ian's case, which allowed me to gain the ability to walk on vertical and overhanging surfaces as if they were horizontal. In a way, this gives Ian the ability to ignore gravity.

Gun Kata anyone?
We also got to the point where we could gain another Focus or improve an existing one. While I was tempted to improve Gunslinger (Ian's other Focus is Alert), I found Close Combatant more inspiring in a combat situation. While another level of Gunslinger would allow Ian to deal 1d4 damage on a miss with a gun, Close Combatant allows me to ignore penalties from using pistols in a melee fight. I can't wait for a scene where this becomes relevant.

When everyone was done assigning points to their characters, it was time to return to our in-game adventures. It was approximately half a year since our initial assignment during which time we got to know each other better as a team. We were called in to the briefing room where we were told that the fugitive we caught at SS Aurelia, Arthur Smith, has finally started talking. We were given information about arms dealing proceedings taking place on a planet called Gograpaty. It was a planet with no land mass due to terraforming incidents, leaving it covered in an ocean, forcing people to live on floating cities made out of any salvageable parts. The communities there were organised in a tribes which prohibited selling weaponry. As these weapons were being sold to rebel factions, our mission was to stop their operations.

At the end of the briefing we were told we were being assigned a new ship, an upgrade from the previous one, but we stayed at the table after our superior officer left the room to discuss our strategy. We went through several suggestion and settled on posing as buyers so we can amass enough evidence to either allow the local authorities to deal with the smugglers or have reason to blow them up with a clear conscience.

In order for this plan to work, however, Ian suggested we'd need better weaponry so we can present ourselves as serious buyers who aren't interested in any low-tech equipment. Cole informed us that he might be able to reach out to a contact who would be able to provide us with above standard weaponry for a reasonable price. With that in mind we went off to the docking bay to inspect our new ship. As it turned out, it was SS Aurelia which we were inspecting on our very first mission. Captain Keiran re-christened it SS Second Chance before we got our entire crew on-board and flew off into space.

Our first stop was the meeting Cole set up with a merchant, codename Bob, who would provide us with sufficiently flashy and effective weapons. Bob requested Cole (similarly codenamed Bob) to come on-board his ship with no weapons to browse his wares and make a deal. Captain Keiran didn't want Cole to go alone and as Ian without his pistols would have been less effective in a fight, Cole was accompanied by Jokkenson who, quite literally, is a weapon.

This does not bode well
They both went through scanners that checked for weapons on-board the ship, inspected the wares, reached a financial agreement, transfered the funds and left with their purchases. Jokkenson was especially happy with the thunder gun he was carrying, a large two-handed weapon capable of disintegrating its target. They also came back with a sniper rifle and two pairs of thermal and mag pistols.

We were about to distribute the wares among ourselves when our radars picked up incoming spacecrafts approaching our position.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Slaughter on a Spaceship

After we got to the bottom of the situation with the missing crew, it was up to Yannick to set everything up and Cole to remotely steer the vessel into and out of interdimensional space. This time, without any pre-tech artifacts interfering with the engines.

As the work was taking place, Jokkenson had the brilliant idea to revist one of the storage rooms we walked pass on our first venture through the ship. Mainly, the weapon storage. After a quick look for Encumberance rules, it turned out that he was capable of carrying nearly every single weapon in storage. We witnessed a cybernetically enhanced barbarian armed to the teeth, quite literally, walking back to our ship at a comfortable pace. A typical example of the things roleplayers will get to.

Just before SS Aurelia re-entered and left interdimensional space, Keiran once more looked into the future to see if the entirety of the ship would turn violent after our attempt at solving this problem. He did not see any danger on a large scale so we proceeded with our plan. The ship reappeared shortly after being remotely steered by Cole and we boarded it once more. As we entered, Keiran started to act weird.

From the perspective of his crew, we had the impression he was having a conversation with someone but we could only hear his side of it. Cyrus confirmed our suspicions when he saw there was some kind of telephatic link established with the captain. When his conversation ended, he explained that whoever he was talking to, didn't want them on board and took our presence here as an act of aggression. We were not ones to balk at threats so we moved deeper into the spacecraft.

You get the idea
Suddenly, a woman materialised in front of Jokkenson, grabbed the rifle he was holding and disappeared. This enraged him to such a degree that he ran off towards danger. Moments later, as we ran after him, we were in the midst of combat. Unknown to us, the crew of SS Aurelia seemingly developed psychic abilities and we found ourselves in a strange fight. Ian and Cyrus had to avoid fire being thrown at them while one SS Aurelia's crewmember disappeared from Ian's and Jokkenson's sight. We had the advantage however, Jokkenson cut in half two crewmembers, including their captain, while Ian and Cyrus wounded some with a gun and mind respectively. Although Keiran tried to reason with the other crewmembers to lay down their arms, they did not care to listen. They attacked us with intent to kill so we had no choice but to defend ourselves.

Cole rejoined the rest of the group as soon as the coast was clear.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Investigating the Ghost Spaceship

Figuring out how to board a ship that's unresponsive proved to be quite tricky. A brainstorm erupted between our engineer, pilot and programming wizard as to how to proceed. Around a middle through the conversation, they were interrupted by Jokkenson who looked like he was trying to focus his eye-sight on a fly. We had no flies on board.

As it turned out, other than a full cybernetic arm, Jokkenson also had cybernetics in his skull and on part of his face, one of his eyes was inorganic, in fact. Keiran asked what was going on with him to which he replied that the ancestor spirits are giving him a beautiful vision of the ship all in blue but with two red dots. We took it as some form of scanning device and asked him to point to where those red areas were. As it turned out, the areas were the engine room and the cooling system which made us think it showed heat signatures. Logically, there would be more heat signatures on a manned flight but the ship appeared to be deserted inside.

We had no more time to stand idly by. It was clear at this point that something had happened to the crew and the refugees. We had to board and investigate. Cyrus managed to hack remotely into the SS Aurelia's systems and bypass security to open a cargo hold area which would allow us to enter but first Cole had to match the ship's speed and align ours to match trajectory. We connected both ships but before we opened the door, Keiran zoned out for a few seconds. Cyrus noticed this with his psychic senses and asked about the spell the captain has just cast.

We didn't want to get into the discussion over semantics between our respective cultural terms for psychic abilities so Keiran just explained he had a quick look into the future to see if anything dangerous will happen to the team that will enter the ship. When Keiran was assembling a team, Cole made it clear that he would remain on the ship just in case... until he realised that the captain saw nothing unwarranted would happen to the people entering SS Aurelia, at which point he joined the rest of the team.

Empty spaceship? Not spooky at all!
Our first obstacle was the door to the cargo hold. Jokkenson's attempts at opening by force didn't work, as did Keiran's attempt to guess the code but Cyrus opened it with ease. The ship's corridors were the right size for people to walk through but they couldn't accommodate Yannick's mech which he had to leave behind. During our exploration of the inside of the ship, Jokkenson was given another vision which showed him where the ship's bridge was located. We followed his direction and upon arrival noticed he didn't lead us through the shortest route.

On our way we noticed signs of life. There were blankets lying around in some areas, mugs left on the table and personal effects scattered on the floor. It seemed as if the crew and refugees simply vanished. At one point, Cyrus's psychic senses allowed him to see silhouettes of people around the ship. When we stopped the ship and went through its recent logs, we concluded that something caused a malfunction in the engine room which caused the ship itself to leave interdimensional space but leave the people behind.

We needed to investigate the engine room but couldn't leave the bridge unattended so we did the unthinkable and split the party. It is an age old roleplaying tradition that one is not supposed to split the party for this draws the attention of evil. Fortunately for us, the Game Master must have been in a good mood because he didn't use this opportunity to menace us with random threats. Keiran ordered Cyrus and Ian to stay behind as the rest would go to the engine room.

Although we were in the exact same room physically as players, our characters were not, and since both me and Cyrus's player sat next to each other, we decided to engage in friendly banter between our characters while the rest had their own scene going on. Cyrus started talking about his life on his home planet and his studies as a wizard, talking about the various disciplines there are and his experience studying it. Ian isn't a talkative person but as someone who had to hide his abilities, he started to develop a kinship with and, perhaps, an admiration for Cyrus. He still didn't like the out-dated terminology Cyrus employed but he spoke of what it is like to be a psychic on his and Keiran's planet and why he followed Keiran as he had to leave the planet.

I wouldn't try breaking it
We were interrupted by a message from the captain who requested Cyrus's presence in the engine room. While we had our chat, the other part of the team found a black box that Yannick noticed was entirely out of place next to the engine. Within it, they found an unearthly white sphere and needed Cyrus to have a look at it. Unlike the rest of us, he saw the globe emmanate a white light and refused to touch it. Mocking his concern, Jokkenson took the spehere out and simply tossed it over to Cyrus. He caught it out of reflex and felt his psychic abilities being enhanced while Jokkenson got a stern talking to from Keiran for his handling of dangerous equipment.

After a moment of deliberation, Cyrus decided it must be a piece of pre-tech, a technology that dates back to the Golden Age of the setting where technology and science were focused on psychic phenomena more than anything. Cole noted that it would fetch a very good price at the black market, even though he certainly wouldn't know anything about it, and that someone must have been trying to smuggle it onto the planet.

It made sense and reviewing footage from the ships time in interdimensional space showed that there was an individual hurriedly walking into the engine room shortly before the ship returned to this dimension. This person left the box with the pre-tech close enough to the main engine that it interfered with its function which, we assume, is what caused everyone on board to remain in interdimensional space.

Before the seesion came to an end, Cyrus and Yannick decided that the best course of action would be to make a short jump into and out of interdimensional space in order to properly synchronise the ship and its crew with the regular dimension.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

No One Will Hear You Scream (in Space)

Fear is not a well known emotion to a roleplayer. Player characters, by their very nature, are the types who will run towards danger for the sake of the story. Whether that danger be the man who killed your father, a fire breathing dragon or an outer dimensional monstrosity is immaterial. The party will stand their ground knowing that if it has Hit Points, we can take it down!

However, ask a player to give away their character sheet and they will know fear.

Deal out characters!
This is exactly what happened as we sat down to the much anticipated first session of Stars Without Number. I was truly looking forward to getting into the character of Ian. Most of my idle thoughts this past week were considerations of his personality and behavioural quirks. You cannot possibly imagine the horror I felt as we've been told to pass our character sheets to other players.

I was sitting there, staring at an unfamiliar character sheet and worrying that someone else will add some unsavoury characteristic to my very own creation. Fortunately, the Game Master quickly explained that we'll go through a prologue as NPCs and these sheets are there only to make use of skills for rolls that we might attempt. This shuffling of characters was nothing permanent.

We shortly find ourselves on SS Aurelia, a starship transporting refugees from a planet engulfed in civil war between the governing body of the Hanuun Conglomerate and the Purity Front. It was explained to us that the Purity Front believed the planet was suffering from pollution caused by space wreckage in close proximity to the planet's orbit and their only chance of survival would be to blow it up. This was a view that the government didn't agree with, hence a civil war erupted. We were refugees on board this ship.

Each of us had to come up with a quick character name and a description of what they were doing while the ship entered multidimensional space. Nia tended to the wounded, Rob spoke with captain Emily Ryan about what happens to him and his family upon arrival to Hild, Derrick helped fellow refugees in writing correspondence to their loved ones, Bob worked out while Clive avoided people.

The most elaborate side plot belonged to Duncan who snuck out of the cargohold, made his way to the mess hall and used their version of a replicator to create fish casserolls for the refugees. He was soon found by an imposing crew member but managed to convince him to let him go with his meals that he then distributed among the starving refugees.

The next scene transitioned to a briefing room in the headquaters of a company called Seven Sons. They were contracted by the government of Hild to check refugees coming to the system for potential threats. We were informed of this by a higher ranking official, given details of the starship and its coordinates after emerging from multidimensional space. This was our first mission as a team so we headed straight into character introductions.

First was Jokkenson, a massive beast of a man who has clearly seen his fair share of battles. He carried a chain axe and assured the Lieutenant Captain Warchief that he will gladly pulverise anyone who dares to go against the chain of command.

Next we have Cyrus. A young man who graduated from a wizard academy. Low-tech planets such as Jokkenson and Cyrus hail from consider psychic abilities to be magical by nature so it was very interesting to listen to a conversation between him and the next character who would be our ship engineer.

His name is Yannick and he clearly has some kind of device surgically implanted in his skull. Anyone who heard of the procedure would be able to tell this from the scarring on the side of his head. Other than his role to keep our ship in one piece, he is also a mech pilot. This machine takes quite a lot of space in our small vessel.

Our pilot introduced himself as Cole. His personality truly shined when we got to the ship.

Ian didn't say much about himself other than he served with Captain Keiran on Shakti and that they left the army together. I described him as wearing a standard uniform, smoking a cigarette and having a scar going down his neck and under his clothing.

Finally, we get to Lieutenant Keiran, formerly a captain in Shakti military. He gave off an amicable demeanour to his crew that couldn't help but note that the standard uniform he wore looked much better on him than anyone else. His current rank and Ian's insistance on calling him a captain caused the confusion Jokkenson was experiencing with ranks and titles.

Overall, we ended up with an interesting mix of character personalities. I decided that Jokkenson's respect for Keiran's position impressed Ian enough that he would develop a liking to the character. Personally, I also like how both characters have similar characteristics but their personalities go in opposite directions. Jokkenson appears very talkative and eager to fight while Ian does not.

Soon after the introductions and initial character chatter, we made our way to our ship, SS Bullet, and took off into space. During the flight Cole made sure to make it exciting with his pilot announcements and treating this flight as if it were a public transport aircraft. Jokkenson assured Lieutenant Captain Keiran that he can kill the pilot for his foolish behaviour with just one word from him but Keiran assured him that for all his flaws, Cole was an excellent pilot and some level of eccentricity was perfectly fine. Ian, being used to Cole's piloting, ignored the pretended turbulences and enjoyed his cigarette. Meanwhile, Yannick made some quick modifications to the ship.

During the journey, Lieutenant Keiran assigned positions to each crewmember and made the crew perform some drill exercises before reaching our destination. When we arrived at the coordinates, SS Aurelia emerged from multidimensional space and we hailed it. After two attempts to garner a response, Lieutenant Keiran ordered to board the ship despite the starship failing to answer.

We approached the ship while our pilot entertained us with the ships detailed specs, to the extent that he provided us with the number of screws required to build a ship of that size.

This proves to be a very interesting party and the mission is already not going according to plan.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Space, The Final Frontier

As a GM, I dread character creation sessions. They are extremely useful for a group to go through together, brainstorm character ideas and create a functioning group cohesion but I always dread that the players will get bored of filling up a sheet with numbers or flip the table out of frustration from not being able to have as badass a character as they want.

As a player, I look forward to these sessions immensely. Although I had a good idea of what type of character I’d like to play, I thought I’ll try to do something different this time around. I’ve been chatting with a fellow club member over the past few weeks and mentioned that I thought it would be great if we could have our characters know each other before the events of the game.

They have no number
Usually, when players are making their characters, people lean on making their backstories in isolation to one another. I wanted to go the opposite route and connect my ex-soldier with the captain. I wanted to play a character whose main trait would be loyalty but I can’t create that without having a strong tie to the groups’ central character: the captain.

Fortunately, my friend agreed and I went into the session with the assumption they have both served together. At the beginning of the session I only had the idea of a soldier with expertise in firearms and a limited form of telekinesis. This all came from just hearing about the setting of Stars Without Number and the available character classes. Out of the three available: Warrior, Psychic and Expert, there was an option to take two as partial choices which meant you’d get limited benefits from the two classes. While I was originally going for a Warrior/Psychic, the GM informed us he’s going to use special heroic rules which allow for one full class and a partial one. That served my purposes perfectly.

The captain was also a partial Psychic. It was mentioned that on his home planet, psychics were looked down upon and marginalised. They were blamed for the destruction of inter-planetary society, they couldn’t hold official positions and most people didn’t want to have anything to do with them. When I heard this, I decided that my character had a difficult childhood, was abandoned, had to live on the street and joined the army while hiding his telekinetic skills. At some point during our service, the captain found out about his psychic abilities and helped him gain a better control over them. This played well with his loyalty towards the captain and served as the main reason why he left the military.

During our last military mission, the captain faced a difficult decision where he could use his psychic abilities to save his unit and many other combatants from certain death but risk being outed as a psychic in the process. The lives of his soldiers were more important than his own, he used his abilities and came back as a hero… but the higher ups now knew his secret. Due to his family being part of the planet’s nobility, he was honourably discharged and faced social exclusion. My character followed him and never looked back.

In contrast to this, we have a full Psychic from a planet that had a “wizards’” academy in our group. While the two of us have limited access to one psychic discipline (telekinesis and precognition, respectively), he’s got access to all disciplines. From what I gathered, telekinesis and biopsionics were mentioned but it was difficult focusing on other players’ choices as I was filling in my own sheet.

The other two characters in our group are an engineer who found a mech suit and a pilot with a criminal past. Both my character and the engineer are primarily ranged combatants but as I took Gunslinger as a Focus and he did Sniper, we complemented each other well. The system allows you two picks of what’s called a Focus which gives you additional capabilities. I had to pick two and while going through the list, Gunslinger was an obvious choice, I also took Alert on a whim. Gunslinger allows my character to instantly draw a ranged weapon without spending an action while Alert makes him immune to surprise attacks and allows me to roll for Initiative twice. I was very happy with my choices.

pew, pew, pew
As for Skills, I took the most obvious ones that worked with my character concept, Shoot and Notice, but I also had a free choice so I decided I’d like to be useful to the group as a whole and ask if anyone took any healing skills. Apparently not, so I took Heal as my third choice. It turned out that my action oriented character had some medical training under his belt, probably from going to the infirmary so many times. I love getting to know my character more through the character creation process. The advantage of having only a rough idea for a character means that all those stray choices you get to allow you to flesh out your character in a direction you didn’t even think of.

The system had the option to roll for your character’s Attributes and Skills but as I prefer building a character, I didn’t take any of those and assigned points according to my judgement. When it came to Health, I thought I’ll get dangerous and just roll for it. I rolled a 1 on a d6. Even with bonuses, that gave my character a Health of 4. There were snickers around the table but when told I won’t survive a combat encounter, I reminded them I don’t need to survive, I need to shoot first. I may have a low Health, which might go up significantly as we level up, but with how I assigned my points, while other characters had an Attack Modifier of +0 or +1, I’ve got a +5 on my main weapon.

The only other thing I rolled for during this character creation session was a name. I’m glad there were tables for that because I’m terrible when it comes to coming up with names. I can’t say I remember specific numbers but the result was that my character is called Ian White.