Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Slaughter on a Spaceship

After we got to the bottom of the situation with the missing crew, it was up to Yannick to set everything up and Cole to remotely steer the vessel into and out of interdimensional space. This time, without any pre-tech artifacts interfering with the engines.

As the work was taking place, Jokkenson had the brilliant idea to revist one of the storage rooms we walked pass on our first venture through the ship. Mainly, the weapon storage. After a quick look for Encumberance rules, it turned out that he was capable of carrying nearly every single weapon in storage. We witnessed a cybernetically enhanced barbarian armed to the teeth, quite literally, walking back to our ship at a comfortable pace. A typical example of the things roleplayers will get to.

Just before SS Aurelia re-entered and left interdimensional space, Keiran once more looked into the future to see if the entirety of the ship would turn violent after our attempt at solving this problem. He did not see any danger on a large scale so we proceeded with our plan. The ship reappeared shortly after being remotely steered by Cole and we boarded it once more. As we entered, Keiran started to act weird.

From the perspective of his crew, we had the impression he was having a conversation with someone but we could only hear his side of it. Cyrus confirmed our suspicions when he saw there was some kind of telephatic link established with the captain. When his conversation ended, he explained that whoever he was talking to, didn't want them on board and took our presence here as an act of aggression. We were not ones to balk at threats so we moved deeper into the spacecraft.

You get the idea
Suddenly, a woman materialised in front of Jokkenson, grabbed the rifle he was holding and disappeared. This enraged him to such a degree that he ran off towards danger. Moments later, as we ran after him, we were in the midst of combat. Unknown to us, the crew of SS Aurelia seemingly developed psychic abilities and we found ourselves in a strange fight. Ian and Cyrus had to avoid fire being thrown at them while one SS Aurelia's crewmember disappeared from Ian's and Jokkenson's sight. We had the advantage however, Jokkenson cut in half two crewmembers, including their captain, while Ian and Cyrus wounded some with a gun and mind respectively. Although Keiran tried to reason with the other crewmembers to lay down their arms, they did not care to listen. They attacked us with intent to kill so we had no choice but to defend ourselves.

Cole rejoined the rest of the group as soon as the coast was clear.

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